Saturday, January 8, 2011


Day 8, and I'm starting to get a bit sick of this rain. I had big plans today (noticing a theme here?) involving all sorts of cool sites, but none of them were possible because of the rain.

This tree is outside my house. Sorry.

Friday, January 7, 2011


An early one today! But I've decided I'll stop making plans.

Plan for today:

1. Take my camera to work.

2. Take awesome shot of the lovely old buildings on campus.

The reality? You guessed it! More rain. I watched it out the window all day. Luckily it stopped this afternoon, and I was able to shoot the admin building of the local school, which used to be a council building, apparently.

And for those of you watching the clock, I started early today, ok?

Thursday, January 6, 2011


The plan (devised while driving home from the station in the mist):

- Walk to the end of my street.

- Take arty photo of mist half-covering the mountain.

The reality:

- Walk out front door, realise it's STILL raining.

- Take photo of only accessible plant that allows me to stand under verandah.

Oh well, tomorrow is another day. A bit less moisture would be good though.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


For those of you who don't live here and haven't been following the news, it's wet. Very very wet. At last count 1/2 of the state was underwater, literally.

So this one is the best I could come up with. 2 seconds, and some really dodgy editing. But I'm tired.

Thanks for playing! See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Last minute job tonight - hubby is a little OCD with his tools. They are all lined up in size order. Facing the same way. Labelled. You get the picture! And god help anyone who "borrows" one and doesn't put it back. Are you listening, teenagers?

Monday, January 3, 2011


Three days in and we're cranking it! Actually it's about to storm, thus negating my plans to go out and take photos. But I saw this pot on my desk, and I really love the combination of colours. So I thought I'd take it outside, and experiment with the contrast of natural leaves, old faded paint and the artificial brightness of the highlighters. Let me know what you think.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Two days in a row - woohoo! This just about has to be a record doesn't it?

Again, it's raining. This little guy built a web attached to the push-out casement windows in my house. The very window which would be most convenient for me to open to photograph him.

So being the nature lover that I am, I opened a less convenient window. Here's me, hanging out of the upstairs window of my house, using a fixed focus lens (so no zoom, for those of you for whom this is not significant), in the rain, in my pyjamas.

Hey, I got the shot!